Of course not- let me back up. Every Fourth of July there is a concert at BYU's football stadium, called Stadium of Fire. I think last year it was Brooks and Dunn (brought back some serious memories of me and candace) but this year there was Miley. There was also Blue Man Group and Glenn Beck as the host. And of course there were fireworks at the end of the show. Sounded like an interesting mix of entertainment, and to be honest, I secretly wanted to partake. But the tickets sold out within a couple of hours of being available, plus they were soo expensive. For these reasons I decided to apply to work at the Stadium of Fire, so I set up an appointment to interview. When I told Trent that I had an interview it was the day before he took the DAT and it didn't seem to phase him.
Once the DAT was over Trent began to realize what I was doing to him. Everyday I would do everything in my power to convince him to work the event with me. Finally after a few days of haggling, he said he would. I called the special events office and set up an interview for him (the second to last interview slot, Ill have you know).
On the days leading up to the concert all I heard from Trent was how UNexcited he was to WORK on the holiday. Then, after training, I decided I wasn't as excited as I once was either. So I did everything I could to get us excited. I even bought Miley Cyrus fruit snacks.
We showed up three hours before the show began and there was already a line backed up to the street. We sat there and let VIP people though the gate and one hour later began letting ticketed guests in as well. Time went by really fast the two hours prior to when the show began as I hurriedly scanned tickets and Trent checked everyone's bags for food/firearms.
About 30 minutes into the show we began to be of no use since everyone had already entered the Stadium, so we took breaks and watched the show.
Glenn Beck was the first to enter the stage and all I have to say about his words are: very interesting, very patriotic, and very enthusiastic. Then there was Blue Man Group, very interesting performance by them. They use pipes to play music, and, well, it was just weird.
The wind was blowing in the wrong direction so all the fireworks fell straight into the stadium. I think people got a little upset when they were looking straight up and the ashes fell in their eyes. A few pieces that were still on fire landed a few feet from us. It was pretty neat.
Thanks for sneaking me in Amelia!! I am an even bigger Miley fan now, aren't you!?
we went to that too, our step mom's work was sponsering it she works for mona vie juice so we were there too.
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