TJ is often asked, "how old are you?" to which he replies, "I two and a half" and he knows that in June he will turn three. With Ayla's birthday just around the corner and lots of talk of that, he is already looking forward to and planning his own party. "Mommy, I have a good idea, at my birthday party I will have a batman cake and we will ride bikes and go to the beach and play in the sand..."
He loves to do what he calls "tricks" or "gymnastics" like standing on one leg, spinning in a circle, or hanging on things. He also likes to "read books" by looking at the pictures and telling the story. He can often be found playing with his little toy animals and insects, lining them up, moving them to and from various boxes, and telling them what to do. He behaves best when he gets a nap but it is usually a fight to get him to take one- "Mommy, I have a good idea, how about I watch one chuck n friends and then take a nap tomorrow?"
He knows the nightly routine and won't let anyone but himself say the prayer. His prayers usually consist of lots of thank you's, especially for the fun things he was able to do that day, and he almost always is thankful for food.
Over MLK weekend we headed south to get some extra sunshine. TJ loved burrying Trent with sand. |
But he may have loved getting buried even more! |
Trent wanted to take Ayla out into the water but TJ clung to his leg and said "I want to go too!" He loves his Daddy, that is for sure. |
We went to Marco Island, where TJ enjoyed jumping in and out of this raft. |
He loves to jump! |
TJ is often in his own little world, talking to himself, pointing at things, describing them, etc. It doesn't matter if no one is listening, this boy just likes to talk. |
Here's an example of one of his "gymnastic" tricks, this is his "handstand." His feet are in the air- clearly a handstand. |
"What's your name? Do you want to play in the sand with me?" Making new friends everywhere we go. |
My mom came down to work on some projects with me and she brought Anna. TJ was so excited to have them both stay for a few days. |
Trent planned a special camping adventure for TJ in the back yard. He taught TJ how to set up the tent (before it gets dark) and all about fire safety. |
They made a fire, roasted marshmallows on a wire hanger, and slept contently in the tent all night long. I think we are ready for a true camping experience. |
We went to Lake Wauberg and played some frisbee golf. |
TJ was good at finding and fetching all of our inaccurately thrown frisbees. |
After frisbee we went for a paddle boat ride in the lake. It was a fun Saturday indeed. |
TJ loves to play outside. |
TJ is learning how to put his clothes on all by himself- one day he decided to be silly and put his sweater on his legs. |
Once he figures out how to do something he is pretty insistent on doing it by himself- "No Mom! Don't help!" |
Lately TJ has been a bit more picky with his food. And so was born- the crust-less sandwich. |
Luckily little sister- who isn't picky at all when it comes to her carbs- is always there to eat TJ's ends. |
I tell you what, TJ is one fun little boy to have around. I love spending my days with him.
Especially when he takes his nap. |