
Monday, September 26, 2011


A month or two ago I was talking to a girlfriend on the phone about some advice she had recently received. Part of the advice was to not wait until {blank} occurs to be happy. The blank could be filled in with marriage, conception of a child, owning a house, getting a new car, etc. I have thought about my friend's advice often since she first shared it with me, and have related it to many aspects of my life and others'. On Saturday night, I heard a fabulous talk by President Uchtdorf, which is summarized here, where he also discusses avoiding the golden ticket to happiness with an analogy of the forget-me-not flower. I was going back and forth on sharing this on my blog, because let's be honest, I never talk about church stuff on here, but I can't stop thinking about this talk, it is simply fabulous. AND THEN I went to a funeral last night and the building where it was held is surrounded by all these little, blue, forget-me-not flowers. So onto the blog I go, but I can't stop typing with just that.
I have to include a little confession-session.
What is MY {blank}?
{This pregnancy with baby #2}
It is incredible how different one pregnancy can be from another. Maybe it's because it's my second, maybe it's because it's a different gender, I don't know.
But I do know this:
1. My baby bump was showing before I even knew I was pregnant (about 18 weeks sooner than with TJ)
2. My emotions have been out of control (don't remember it being this bad with TJ)
3. I can barely walk and I'm only 20 weeks along (I ran or walked my entire pregnancy with TJ, no problem)
4. The first trimester sickness was different (probably for the better) than last
5. None of the same cravings
6. I'm still not convinced that I have felt this baby girl move (by 20 weeks TJ was kicking all day long, and I was loving it)!

Trying to convince myself that I can be happy during this pregnancy (because heaven knows it's not gonna be any easier once she is born).
Now it sounds like I am complaining!! Just outlining the differences between my two pregnancies.
And although I am joking a lot in this post, I'm not joking when I say that I am already in love with this little baby girl that I have yet to see, and I know she will be worth 20 more weeks of anything.


Southern Belle said...

I still have to watch that talk, everyone has been talking about it! Jeff wanted to know if you are going to name your baby AJ (Amelia Junior). There was a girl on my volleyball team named AJ... :) Hope we get to see you sometime soon!

Angela Olson said...

You are adorable, Amelia. Congrats on your second. Pregnancy was never fun with me-- and I had that same walking problem with mine- it just hurt. THe elliptical always seemed to loosen me up a little bit, though and that was about all I could do.
I love your adorable little family. You guys are too cute and I love following your blog.

-Angela (I need to figure out why it labels me as "b")

Brittany said...

Thank you for that post. I had missed the broadcast, and that talk was just what I needed, so thank you!

The Reillys said...

im right there with ya on the 2nd pregnancy thing. i was sad to deliver b/c i loved being pregnant. now i cant wait with this one. i didnt quite believe it when people said pregnancies are so different. now i do. but itll make it that much better in the end!

David and Kaitlyn said...

So, we had a girl, and now we're having a boy, and let me tell you
a.) My hormones were a gajillion times worse with Rosalie, it's all that extra estrogen! Give yourself a break and recognize that it's not YOU it's THEM (the hormones!)
b.) I had a hard time being so excited with this pregnancy, like you, it's not that I don't love this baby, I think it's a lot of reasons, I know some of mine are that some of the excitement is tempered by reality (knowing that all those cute clothes aren't necessary and you should really spend less money on more practical clothes. Also that it's bittersweet to not have all the attention to give to the love of your life (baby #1!) Basically I just want you to know that I feel the same way and understand!

Judy said...

I loved the talk too. I wish I had heard it many many years ago (and really took it to heart). I think a lot of life just went right by without me even noticing. Take care.