TJ had another fun month. It started out with his big basketball themed birthday party at the gazebo area in our neighborhood.

I know I have mentioned it a time or two on this blog, but he really is totally obsessed with balls.
He can spot a ball a mile away, and once he sees it he wants it.

And then he points and says, "bahhahahall" with a little quiver of excitement in his voice.

He used to be really good at catching but now he doesn't like to catch, but loves to throw and fetch, and just recently learned how to kick.
Here are some pictures from his party
We started out with games and food outside then went inside for cake and presents.

TJ had caught a bug a few days before his party and was still recovering the day of his party. He wasn't his usual happy self.

But he still did a great job demolishing his bithday cake.

Once he started flinging it across the room we decided it was time to be done with that.

After bathing off all the orange icing, TJ opened presents. Once he opened a present that contained a new blue ball he was pretty much done opening presents and just wanted to play with his new ball. Thank you everyone for all of your generous gifts.

TJ was so lucky to have all of his cousin's on my side of the family come! Stevie came up from Orlando on his way home to Jacksonville; Warner, Rylee, and Rex came down from Tallahassee; and Kalil and Mason came all the way from Arizona.

Here is the whole family minus Ryker.

Even Meme and Lee came down from Georgia. Thank you everyone for making TJ feel so special.
TJ's next party was when Grandma Judy came from Utah to visit.

The weekend she flew in we went down to Tampa and stayed two nights. The first day we went to Caladesi Island. Here is TJ with Grandma Judy.

A recreation of a photo that was hanging up at our hotel.

That night we went to Red Robin.

TJ walking around with his ballon and his new flip flops from Grandma Heiner.

The next day, which happened to be Father's Day, we went to Clearwater Beach.

TJ loves to be chased, especially by Daddy.

Trent and TJ in their matching Father's Day outfits.
The next weekend Wes came down and he and Trent were supposed to go deep sea fishing with my dad but the weather didn't end up allowing that. So we all went to Wakulla Springs instead.
Here are some of us on the Wakulla Springs boat ride.
For the Forth of July my parent tooks Amanda down to Tampa to catch her flight back to Arizona. Trent and I drove down and met them and we all went to Siesta Key for the day. Unfortunately I only took two pictures:

This was CrAzY- An Isuzu Hombre, same color, same missing hubcap as ours, with a self made plywood storage unit on back- JUST LIKE OURS. Parked at the restaurant next to our hotel in Tampa. Look

We went to Siesta Key park at nine in the morning to get the last parking spot, then we walked a little ways down the beach to claim our own spacious spot. But this was the only picture I have- TJ digging into the leftover chicken nachos.
And here are some bonus pictures...

After turning one, TJ was allowed to have his first cup of real cows milk. TJ loves milk.

When TJ was napping one afternoon I peaked my head in to check on him and I saw him sleeping with his naked bum sticking up in the air. I ran and got the camera but by the time I got back he had already awoken and was standing up with a look like "why are you taking a picture of this?"

TJ loves spaghetti. Despite his huge-as-usual-apetite, he appears to be slimming down. It must be his new interest in walking and running.

TJ's latest craze has been toothbrushes. We bought him a baby toothbrush (in his right hand) which he loved, but then we gave him his own adult sized toothbrush and he is obsessed. One thing is for sure- he knows how to make his daddy proud.